Feb 21, 2007 14:32
Sooo, yeah.
I'm in Dallas again. Right now I'm over at the Library with a guest card. Had to get online so that I could schedule an interview for next week. It is with Apogee Search as a Paid Search Analyst. Looks interesting, I'll see how it is next week.
Also, I had an interview with National Instruments for the Engineering Leadership Program. Seems like alot of people had interviews with them. But anyways, I had a pretty good experience in the interview. I felt that I was prepared and that I gave great answers. I really hope to hear back from them. They said that it would probably be about two weeks before I knew anything. So the Interview consisted of some Behavioral Questions and a hardware and a software question. I think I messed up a little on the software question but felt confident on the hardware question. Just the way things go. But I think it went great, I know that I got along with them and researched the company and brushed up on my technical know-how enough.
Oh yeah, right before the interview, I saw the NI guys at Crown and Anchor. I told them I would of come say hi to them, but Katie was grilling me on interview questions, we all had a good laugh at that. Though the grilling did help me with some of my wording in the interview. I'm glad Katie made me go through with it. lol.
Yup yup, oh yeah, I played Pictionary the other day, its kind of weird how fast some people yell out what the picture is.
Anyways, I'm off. Will update next year probably. lol.