You died in my place so my soul will live

Jun 03, 2013 20:23

The Ten picture is because I am excited at what God is going to do in my life, who God is going to give me and when!

So what? It's okay, because God has someone better in store for you. Wrong person? That's okay, someone better. Not now? That's okay, sometime better. When? The best time. Who? The best person. God loves you too much to give you less than His best, and when the Bible says "He who freely gave up His own Son, how shall He not with Him freely give us all things?" we need to consider that God loved Jesus so so so so so SO unbelievably much as His own Son but He gave Him up for each and every one of us and when we consider that verse we need to recall just how much God loved Jesus and then put that in context of how much He loves us. To directly quote Pastor Prince: "You don't know how much God loves you until you know how much God loves Jesus." GETS ME EVERY TIME because HOW WILL HE NOT WITH HIM THEN FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS? How will He who loves us so SO FREAKING MUCH give us anything less than His best? He's our Father, He's our beloved Daddy God, He's the one who DIED for you because of how much He loves you so if you are not seeing what you want to see yet then why don't you WAIT? Get some patience and wait, and get that patience by meditating on His word and seeing His grace and His un-hurriedness and His perfect timing, and things will happen in His perfect timing and you will be so caught up in Him that you didn't even realise how much time had passed. I want to be soaked in Jesus, I want to swim forever in the oceans of His grace, caught up in how beautiful and perfect He is, and I don't want Him to be a distraction from whatever it is I'm focusing on in life, but I want him to be the life in me. Jésus dit: je suis le chemin, le vérité et la vie. HE IS THE LIFE! So HE IS THE FOCUS, THE CENTRE, THE CORNERSTONE, of my life. :) That shall be my third prayer request for the year (sorry earlier me for superceding the first one heh) but I don't need someone when I can have Someone so perfect to be focused on!

A deep peace settles and I know that that is what my third prayer request should've been all along, haha. Thank You Jesus, revelation from what was potentially disastrous and might've ruined my night/ day/ weeks/ life etc. I don't need you, I need You.

people, life:god, thoughts

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