Let Me Entertain You....

Jun 06, 2006 00:26

We're heading into the final weekend of Gypsy at the Everett (WA) PUD facility. Yes, the PUD. As in the public utility. They actually have a really nice stage. The show has been going really well. Plus, this is not a show that you see very often on stge, particularly put on by community theatre groups (It's a really complicated show to put on; lots of scenes, lots of props, lots of characters, and at least two animals, preferably more). So if you CAN get there, you really should.

Here are some really excellent reviews we've gotten. I'm so pleased I could burst.

Here's the links I've found so far:




There's a review in the Everett Herald that mentions me by name, but it turns out that that's not the one I posted. If I find it, I'll post it, though.

Oh, and on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy tonight, the wife of the straight guy makes G-strings. Such a "Gypsy" thing. Made me all smiley.

The show's closing this weekend, though, which is making me a little blue. But it's still a great show.
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