Happy new year

Jan 02, 2009 10:30

Happy New year to you all. ..

I have been very random about my posts here, and begun to wonder what is the purpose of me maintaining an account here. I do want to keep in touch with all of you. But it looks like I have nothing very important to share. I would have loved to own a camera...take pics and make stories about them. I would have loved to comment on how the religious divide in my country is occupying my mind A LOT these days. Or about how my mom has changed so much and so have I with time. That sadly my dependency or the "NEED" to have here has gone away.. I still want her beside me... but need NO. I do want to write that I dreamt that she was refusing to stay with me...and I was insisiting that I shall have her place very close to mine...//that no she does not have to see me everyday.. she can spend her own money and not depend on me --coz that the person she is.

At this point, I have very personal things to share,but with time I have become very guarded about my thoughts...I would like to be a anonymous someone on the net.

As 2008 closed behind us a few days back. I know I am a much better person today than the person I was on Jan 2nd 2008 . I am more loving caring - and more responsive. A stronger , self -reliant person.. I am becoming the person i was ...and it feels great.

I dont care about noise anymore-since as before I have started relying on my heart,my soul and my mind..they were and will remain my beacons. I was lost - I no longer am.

I am slowly getting to be me....

With that maybe....just maybe... tingles_tangles has left the building for the public.The rest of you--- I am friends only

good byes?

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