Piano Lessons

Jun 29, 2011 17:17

Title: Piano Lessons
Pairing: InooBu, TaDaiki and TakaBu
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG
Word count: 882 words
Summary: Dai-chan and Inoo-chan has been spending too much time together for piano...

Takaki was walking along the corridor when Dai-chan bumped into him, looking slightly flustered and out of breathe.
"Dai-chan? Doko iku no?"
"Eh? Ah. Yuyan~ Gomen ne, I can't accompany you tonight. I have something on. Ja!"

With that, he rushed off in the direction he was heading to, leaving Takaki staring at him blankly.
He got ditched.. once again. They agreed to watch a movie together tonight and now, it seems like the date is off.
Shrugging, he went back to practise room and found Yabu sulking in a corner.

"Yabu-kun? Doushita?"
Passing him a bottle of water, he sat down beside Yabu who pouted at him.
"Yuyannn~~ Inoo-chan is busy again! Now I have nothing to do!"

Takaki laughed and patted Yabu's head, trying to console him. He totally understand his situation, with Dai-chan ditching him at last minute just now, he figured they could probably spend the night together.
"Eh, why not we catch a movie together? Dai-chan just ditched me too."
"Hontou? Did you ask him why?"
"Eh.. no, he was rushing off. Nande?"
"Iya, just wondering. Movie?"


"Demo.. Inoo-chan!"
"Gomen ne, Kota, but I promised Dai-chan to have piano lessons!"
"Gomen gomen. Ja ne!"

He grabbed his jacket and piano score from the table and head out of the house, Yabu watched as he turned around the corner, disappearing from his sight. Deflating from the disappointment, he shuffled back into the living room to find Takaki slouching in front of the tv.

Sighing, he took a seat beside Takaki as he flipped through the channels. Nothing much was showing and he wondered what on earth is Takaki actually watching.
"How many times?"
"How many times have Inoo-chan and Dai-chan ditch us for piano."

Pouting, Takaki tried to recall the first time Daiki announced to him that he had to put off their date for piano lessons. It seemed like a while ago now and from then till now, the frequency had increased somehow.
"Eh.. wakanai..."

Patting Takaki's shoulder in sympathy, Yabu sat up straight and turned off the tv.
"Yuyan. We have to do something."
"We have to get them back."
"Demo.. doshiyo?"

Leaning slightly, he whispered his plan into Takaki's ear. A plan that he think might work somehow.
That night, they both set to work.

Knocking on Inoo's door, Yabu opened it slightly to find him working on his university assignment.
Shuffling in and plopping himself on his bed, he peered over at Inoo's frowning face as he tried to figure out a way to answer his papers.

"Ano ne, I was thinking.. if.. you could teach me piano?"

His attention totally taken away, he turned around to face Yabu, who was grinning at him sheepishly on his bed.

Inoo raised his eyebrows at him, questioning his answer.
"Ano.. It's just.. when I watch you play piano, the aura you give off, it's beautiful and I figured I probably should learn it so that I can understand how you feel when you play it."
"Eh? Hontou?"

He got off his chair and went to Yabu, making him scoot aside so that he could sit down beside him.
Yabu nodded as he moved aside, taking Inoo's hands in his.
"I really love the way you look when you play the piano Kei~ And I want you to teach me. So that I can understand more when you talk about it and also to spend more time with you."

Inoo's expression soften when he heard Yabu's words, smiling shyly as he looked into Yabu's gentle eyes.
He nodded. Smiling, Inoo released his hands from Yabu's grip to wrap it around Yabu's neck, tackling him and knocking him down on the bed.

"Kota daisuki!!"
Laughing, Yabu ruffled Inoo's lovely curls as he kissed him softly on the lips.

On the other side....

"Nani yo. Dai-chan, do you have to be so shock?"
Pouting, Takaki folded his arms as he leaned against the wall, unhappy with Daiki's reaction.

"But! But! You just asked me to teach you piano!"

He couldn't believe his ears. Did the lazy Takaki, the non-chalant Takaki just asked him to teach him piano?
Sighing, he got up from his stance and pushed Dai-chan against the wall, locking him in position with his arms.
"I can't stand it ok! Inoo-chan Inoo-chan and his piano lessons. You're not even spending time with me anymore!"

The look of hurt on Takaki's face softened Daiki's expression as he looked up into his eyes. He saw the loneliness he felt, the hurt he got whenever he ditched him last minute and his heart constricted.
He didn't mean to do it, he didn't want to hurt Takaki.

Gently, he caress Takaki's cheeks and watch as he closed his eyes to his touch, yearning for it.
"Gomen ne."
Takaki shook his head as he pulled Daiki into his arms, hugging him tight and enjoying his warmth.
"Just.. don't do it again."
He felt Daiki nodding in his arms and kissed his forehead gently, staying in that position for a short while.


"Yabu-kun saikou!"
They high-fived each other as they grin happily, walking towards the convience store to grab something for dinner later.


A/N: For koigaii . Requested like LONG ago and I only did it now. Gomenasai!!! > < I hope you like it though.

fanfic, drabble, takabu, tadaiki, inoobu

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