The Only Reason

May 16, 2011 12:03

Title: The Only Reason
Pairing: YamaChii
Genre: Angst? Fluff?
Rating: PG 
Word Count: 660 words 
Summary: Yamada lives for Yuri, because he's the only reason.

Yamada looked at the sleeping figure in front of him, slumped in the sofa and leaning slightly to the side.
He was sleeping soundly and peacefully, his chest rising and falling in a steady rythem as he slept.
Somehow, watching him sleep brings heartache to Yamada, ever so slightly but strongly.
He couldn't understand why, nor could he figure it out.

He is JUMP's brightest member. Smallest, cutest, smartest but mischevious. His cute and angelic face could fool anyone but everyone in JUMP knows clearly how a little devil he could be with his sharp tongue and arrogant character.
No matter how, everyone still loves him and they dote on him.

They play with him, they feed him and they pamper him. Nobody ever objects to him sitting on their laps, complains maybe but never rejection.

They were probably the closest in JUMP with their relationship. In the same band since the old Hey! Say! 7, classmates in Horikoshi and now spending more time together due to NYC activities.
Yamada knows him well, maybe better than all the other members added together and he knows that he knows him best too. Maybe apart from Dai-chan.

He's always smiling, giving off the cheerful vibe as he smiles to everyone he sees. Skipping instead of walking when he move. Doing his best in everything he's given and trying to meet everyone's expectations.
Maybe it's because of this that causes the heartache.

Yamada knows best how much he works, how much effort he puts in in everything he does and probably that's why it makes him want to protect him more. To be there for him when he needs someone. To be the one to see his tears, the one that takes care of him.

He knows how he always put on a smile no matter how tired he was. He knows it when he kept his emotions in, hiding it from everybody so that no one would worry. Yamada also know how much he worked so as not to dissapoint his fans, his aim to make them as happy as possible.

Which is why Yamada made a point to be beside him whenever he could, so that he could keep an eye on him and take care of him when needed. He spoils him because he knows he deserves it and wouldn't mind the least bit if he had to do extra work so that he can rest.

Chinen Yuri is the only reason.

He watched as Yuri stirred in his sleep, slightly shivering and he got up, walking towards him, he took off the jacket he was wearing and lay it on Yuri, making sure it covers him fully.
He watched as Yuri smiled in his sleep and it made him happy.

Such a small thing and it could makes his heart flutter.
To be here for Chinen Yuri. To care for his needs and to take care of him is what Yamada Ryosuke is here for.
Others may not understand his devotion but he knows what he's doing. Yamada is doing it willingly.

He squat down beside the sleeping Yuri and stared at him.
His beautiful features, so endearing and attractive to him. Yuri deserves to shine. For all the hard work he put in, Yamada knows.

Gently, he caress Yuri's cheeks and brush off the hair that's covering his face, smiling at the soft touch.
He looked so vulnerable at that point. Always putting on a strong front, he never let anyone see his weak side, he never want anyone worrying for him.

He is small.. but strong.

Yamada wished though, that he would allow him to.
Slowly.. maybe time will allow him to understand and he will accept him into his life, lean on him.
That day will come, Yamada believes as he slowly stood up and moved to the door.

A soft whisper before he closed the door with a click, leaving Yuri to sleep inside.


A/N: Yayyyy. I hope you like it.
Anyway, that's how I see Yuri. <3 Love his smiles!

fanfic, drabble, yamachii

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