Reviews of Reviews: Les Miserables

Dec 29, 2012 18:31

So far, the reviews I've seen of Les Miserable seem to fall into one of three categories:

A) Hurrah, better than we expected! A pretty good take on the musical! Even if Javert's kinda weak!

B) AAAGH, a musical! No one told me and I am ignorant of popular culture! My ears have cooties!

C) (my personal favorite) SPOILER WARNING: I am going to explain the plot of a book written before your great great grandparents were born! I think this happened during the French Revolution? Guillotine jokes LOL!

...I still haven't seen the darn thing, because it wasn't showing on Christmas night in Austin. Austin! I am irate. Also, seething with unrequited movie-lust. When I DO see it, you will know, oh LJ.

reviews of reviews, les miserables

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