Things What I Did This Weekend

May 22, 2011 22:53

I saw the Thor movie! In the local theater! And I did not flop around nor seize nor blackout during or after the movie! I attribute this to the power of Pecs. Good movie, I'll have to write up a nice analysis of it for the geek blog, but over here I'm just going to cheerfully objectify the hottie in the tight pants. The movie went out of its way to encourage this and I should hate to disappoint Kenneth Branagh, who I have also been known to squee over at all the times (hey, I'm a Rennie. He's the kingman of Shakespeare. Plus, Frankenstein!). Sometimes it is fun to be a straight wench with no special kinks.*

Also Asgard was amazing. I'm not generally a landscape and scenery fan- I think the late occurrence of glasses in my life left my brain permanently nearsighted- but WOW, that was some swanking scenery, the kind of over-the-top landscaping I like and can notice.

And I'm very happy I saw all that, and have this fantastic imagery in my head, because the other thing that happened this weekend was that I noticed buzzards using our roof as a landing pad. Being the sort of idiot who really would run towards calamity (well, hobble towards. Wheel, if there was decent paving) I went around the edge of the house to look for whatever had drawn the buzzards. And gods bless the blowflies, because without them I would have stepped RIGHT IN the remains of the possum that decided it wanted to be dead in our yard, and then none of you would have ever heard from me again, because my sanity would be over the hills and far away and I'd be gibbering my life away in a nice padded cell with my hands restrained so I couldn't pull off all my flesh.

Seriously, possums make my skin crawl anyway. Dead defleshed possum? With the eyes and soft bits gone, so it's basically just that grotesque hide over its terrifying primordial skeleton and its apparently immortal slithying prehensile tail...

>deep breath deep breath think of Asgard and that awesome bridge<

Oh. Kay. Better now.

But that's my weekend! You?

*Ok, monogamy is arguably a kink. Though I tend to think of the mono/poly thing as another axes on the spectrum, but that's very much a post for another day.

pecs, movietime, thor, the horror

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