Apr 27, 2011 04:57
Warning: Some Language.
Saw a documentary today that focused on the blatant screaming racism of the fashion industry via the painful accounts of struggling not-white (or white ENOUGH) models. And well, no argument that it's racist like a Mississippi textbook in 1955. For whatever reason, in this era of booming Asian economies and increased immigration, showbiz and fashion continue to be convinced that Americans will only see/be attracted to/buy things from/believe in the existence of the whitiest horse faced Gattaca clone babies they can find*.
Thing is, the fashion industry is, well, horrific. Exploitative like a crack pimp, corrupt like a hoghouse cesspit. It exists by preying on the weakest social impulses of society **, it enforces dangerous labor conditions on its participants, and it has an idea of aesthetics that would make the Erlking sit back and go "Whoah, dude. A bit much."
Listening to people lament that they aren't included enough in this rotting stinking soulkiller industry? Is like hearing someone weep that darn it, no one ever starts a coal fracking operation in THEIR backyard. I know, yes, it's damaging that no one except very specific kinds of white people are ever presented as glossy acquistive possession-dependent wannabe royalty***, leaving everyone else to feel invisible in the Eye of Sau- er, the dominant consumer culture that we are after all constantly bathed in. But...honestly, you want IN that sharkpit, O Aspiring Teenager With More Wrinkles Than Me Because You're Actually Starving Yourself For It? Is that image going to empower people? Because. Um.
For lack of a better reaction, I wish the models of the show all good fortune in going to hell their own way- certainly I don't think it would make the fashion world worse to add a little tiny bit of diversity to their clone army. Rock on, starving women of many lands! May you all find whatever passes for success in your own wacky industry!
...Or not. You know. Whatever's helpful.
* I may still be a TEENSY bit touchy about the Avatar thing. And the upcoming Akira thing. And the whole ARGH HOLLYWOOD WHY DO YOU ASSUME I CAN RELATE TO TALKING VERMIN BUT NOT HUMANS ROCKING ECRU INSTEAD OF EGGSHELL ARGH.
**Apparently? I mean I'm always hearing people talk about the social pressure to conform to fashion? I am insulated from these things to a huge extent by the power of not caring and then also living in the sticks.
***I am a bad, bad capitalist.