The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
-ambiguous and taken 58340 times on
bzoink!What is your favorite..gumorbitrestaurantwalk inndrinkteaseasonwintertype of weatherthunderstormsemotionhappinessthing to do on a half daywatch movieslate-night activitydrinksportswimmingcitysan antoniostorepets martWhen was the last time you..criedtodayplayed a sporta month agolaughed?hugged someoneyesterdaykissed someonea week agofelt depressedtodayfelt elated?felt overworkedyesterdayfaked sickwhen i was in schoollieda few months agoWhat was the last..word you saidwhateverthing you atechicken, mashed potatoes,cornsong you listened tochop sushithing you drankbeerplace you went toour laundry roommovie you sawromeo and julietmovie you rentedcucarbra(spelt wrong)concert you attendedmudvayneWho was the last person you..huggedericacried overericakissedericadanced withericashared a secret withericahad a sleepover witherica(every night shes not at vickies)calledericawent to a movie witherica, vickie, josh, & sarasawjustinwere angry withkamcouldn't take your eyes off ofericaobsessed overericaHave you ever..danced in the rainno just stoodkissed someoneyesdone drugsyesdrank alcoholyesslept aroundnopartied 'til the sun came upyeshad a movie marathonyesgone too far on a darenospun until you were immensely dizzyyestaken a survey quite like this beforeyes
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