May 09, 2006 23:42

Mixing music genres together to make one big mashy mess is fun. On paper (or screen, if you want to be an arsepedant) anyway. The actual music would probably sound a bit stupid. Chris and his talk of synthpop caused this, you know.

And i totally posted this way too early. >edits<

So, yeah. How about Grungetrance? Emo-ska? Punkambient Loungeblues?


In more boring news, I did my psychology essay today. The fucking library here is l'suck. Possibly the ONLY TIME IN MY LIFE i'm going to ever want to read the psychoneuroendocrinology journals, and they didn't fucking have any.

Thats half my coursework deadlines out the way. Phew.

I don't feel very relieved yet though. I was talking to doors about this. I know full well that i haven't got long left (of uni, not of life) and that I just need to keep at it and get it all done. I know i need to take it one deadline at a time, and that there's no need to get overwhelmed. I know it's possible to get it all done and pass. I know that feeling stupidly stressed is pointless.

But none of that actually affects the stressed part of my brain. It sucks. It lingers there, niggling away at me, making me moody and stressy and prone to unreasonable snappings, like a permanantly hormonal bear trap.

Oh well!

Whoa, look at that wee sun bouncing around. I'm not sure i'm THAT awake. I'm just cup-of-coffee-at-midnight awake.
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