Feb 18, 2009 23:12
obviously i made it to toronto and back, ALL BY MYSELF. and had a nice time. hanging out with nicki, p and marijana til the afternoon. nicki looked just gorgeous for her birthday and i hope she had an AWESOME TIME 25 WHOOO! i must say though, circa the first time, is extremely overwhelming. SO MANY SHINY BRIGHT THINGS. also, when i got there, i noticed nicki wearing the exact same hoodie i got her as one of her presents...teehee. and she got me the same one, but white, plus a stars hoodie. which i am currently enjoying the warmth of. yum.
i also learned that my right leg is fail. my knee hurts constantly. so when i was at the doctor's last week i asked about it, and apparently my right foot is slightly off, causing my knee to rub at an angle and thus THE PAIN. nurse lady gave me naproxen and told me to get insoles. turns out the naproxen makes my tummy hurt like an SOB (probably should've been tipped off on the warnings....plus how it makes the tummy pills i have not work). and i hatehatehate calling places i'm unfamiliar with (hell, i still hate calling kyle's house. fuck i'm lame.) so i haven't made an appointment with the people my mom sees in east city. i decided to participate in fitness today after a week off, and damn, i feel it.
i went to wally world today to get ricecakes and diet red rain. SOLD OUT COMPLETELY OF BOTH. what the hell. so i wandered around pissed off for a bit, and then found a why so serious? green girls tshirt. disappointing it doesn't come in black in women's sizes...but $12 says it's worth it. and it's one of them long tshirts which i enjoy. but still. i want to be munching on yummy rice cakes right now.
i should go to bed however. given i've felt like crap all day (stomach death, headachy, knee pain, etc) and nothing seems to help. but hopefully i'll feel better tomorrow now that i'm not taking those pills. of course, i have fitness tomorrow and am hoping my knee holds up just one more day. (until monday)
nighty night...whoever is still out there.