Here I go...
The Social Security office is extremely inconvenient for a working girl. The office hours are 9 to 4 Monday to Friday. I went to the Social Security office during lunch because I thought I'd be real quick but with a line of 50 people it wasn't quick. First I was sitting next to a bum who reeked so I had to leave the office to gag then returned to sit elsewhere. The lady next to me was kind enough to give me a queue number someone had given to her because they left they couldn't wait any longer. My number was 152 and the number she gave me was 138. She said she already had a number and I asked her how long she had been waiting... since 10:00. It was noon. I only had an hour for lunch... O_O
So I figured I should go back to the office and make an appointment. I look up the number to the office and all numbers points to the 1-800 number because apparently they don't give away their office number. I sit on the 1-800 for a half hour to find out they don't make appointments for name changes.
The easiest way for me to get the name change would be to mail the documents except that they need all original documents including my wedding license, birth certificate (not a big deal) and a form of ID such as my Driver's License, Passport, or State ID Card. Well, I need my driver's license to you know, drive, and my passport is expired. I don't think I should have to pay for a new passport in my old name when I'm going to be changing my name! Then if I wanted to get a State ID Card to send to the SS office, I would have to wait in line at the DMV. Another wonderful government-run 8-4 M-F office. O_O
So yeah, basically I need to take a day off in order to get my name change, and then spend 3 hours of my day off at the SS office. I just spent most if not all of my vacation time this year and I already need to take vacation time for a friend's wedding this month and for Dragon*Con later. AUGH!