I was impressed with last night's Office. After a bit of a slump with the latest episodes, last night's episode made me really happy. Even Marty watched it with me because it was less about Michael being dumb and more about the rest of the cast. :D
OMG, I KNEW THE GERMAN PRIEST WAS MARRYING THEM. Course, it was obvious. Damnit, I have a feeling the last episode of the season will be Andy and Angela's wedding. We'll have to see what happens because I think Dwight and Angela should be together, as batshit crazy as they both are. :P
At first I was a little put off by Pam's new attitude, I mean, just because you're going to start standing up for yourself now doesn't mean you have to be a bitch... but I think this episode did it nicely especially with Jim getting her back at the very end with the copies, BWAHAHAHAHAAA.
I liked how Michael handled the situation at the end, by having them work it out themselves. He wasn't nearly as buffoon-y as he usually is. :D
More Pushing Daisies! A pox on Heroes!