Not gonna promise anything and not gonna make a long entry about all that's happen since my last entry either, but maybe you'll see a few words here every day from now on :)
I was in Tre this weekend, with Seekie as usual. We came in late and of course went straight to Ama for our "home coming" drink with Laura. Lets just say that it didn't stop with only one *giggles* Staggered home to the hotel when they closed at 3 am and set the alarm for 9 *g*
Had a lovely breakfast and dressed up for the theatre - Veriveljet - with Jussi as the narrator of course. We had read the story on beforehand and that together with body language, facial expression and the fact that the actors spoke like the written Finnish made it so we didn't have any difficulties at all understanding the play; in fact we were surprised by how much of what they said we actually did understand *lol* Huge difference to listen in on the natives talking among themselves.
We went up to Ama again after the play, waiting for our designated chauffeur. He took us to a pub in the middle of nowhere (Sastamala) where he entertained the lot with covers and originals - now that was a treat <3
Since we again didn't get to bed until 4 am we sat the alarm, which for some reason didn't go off, so we overslept *g*
Had a belated coffee with the orgasmic haired bassplayer and drove him to band practice afte, then a farewell coffee with Laura before heading down to Vantaa and plane back home.
All in all a fantastic weekend where everything went our way and we got the most out of the few hours we were there. So with promise of pictures, poster and news about a new album we still have a happy silly grin on our faces :)