Let's just pretend there's a witty title here, right?

Jan 23, 2012 13:11

01. Have you ever heard about Fimo? Wiki tells me it's a name for a brand of polymer clay made by German company Staedtler, and if it doesn't ring a bell, maybe you've heard about Cernit or Sculpey. Or maybe not. Whatever.
Lately I've been spending whole afternoons with a friend of mine moulding sheeps, owls and all sorts of animals - I also created a small Tom Brady for my boyfriend who's a Patriots supporter.
If you have some spare time - and a friend to involve - you should really give it a try. It's not about the things you create, it's about the mood, right? We mould whales and unicorns like our own lives depend on it. We laugh, and swear, and laugh again at how dumb we must look, and then again we swear because the head won't stick on the body, and the blue Fimo is staining the white one and things like that. And then we laugh once more, because we're washing our hands with toothpaste and we're 25 and 26 years old, respectively.
God, I know I sound very stupid. But I really don't mind. Just give it a try.

02. Are you into fanfictions? If you are, you've probably heard of My Immortal which is considered to be the worst fanfiction ever written. NONSENSE. IT'S A MASTERPIECE. Of course it's dreadful, but it's also the most hilarious thing I've ever read. By far.
So, if you're having a bad day and you're looking for something to cheer you up, you should totally read it. You can find it here.
And there's also the Dramatic Reading available on YouTube, which made me laugh so hard my father popped up to check what I was up too.

/random post is random

random stuff, save it for a rainy day, rl

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