Title: The Chronicles of FiveDorks Chat Room 14: Its So Erotic Its Mirotic
Author: tine_cheese
Rating: PG-13-- NC-17
Length: ?
Warnings: Yaoi, No Plot, SMUT!
Genre: romance, drama-ish, comedy?, and randomness
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, OTP5
Summary: Five new college students find how college life really is.
Sneak peak 1Sneak peak 2
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Unf....I'm so jealous of Injae and Yunji huu~~ they saw YunJae naked *grins* and waaaa Minnie was so sweet all worried for his sister ^_^ so sweet
UPDATE SOON and loved the pervyness >:D it's all 'bout the smex hahah xD
and recommend me some nice steamy hot jizzing yaoi mangas please >:D unf... xD
http://www.mangafox.com/manga/sensitive_pornograph/ - manga
http://www.mafiarose.com/2007/04/sensitive-pornograph-les-petits-bonshommes-du-samedi-matin/ - anime
:D tell me if you want another series~ got lots of oneshots mainly about smex.
I've read the manga but but THAT...THAT VIDEO WAS EPIC WIN unf...more please? >:D
man...we're pervy >:D lolz ^_^
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