Inspired by absolutely nothing, I have decided to, erm, fic a bit. So here it is. My Master & Commander drabble. Though the setting is actually from the book The Mauritius Command. But whatever. Just for you to oggle.
I should probably be shot. At least my icon matches the story, right? ♥
Title: Musing Aloud
Rating: PG
Pairing: Implied Jack/Stephen
“The navy had a natural dislike of informers which, given my line of work, is a sentiment I certainly approve of.”
Thus reflected Stephen Maturin as he lay fully naked and trailing in a skiff in the wake of H.M.S. Boadicea. Above him hung the glaring orb of the sun, and beneath him ran the bright blue swells of the Indian Ocean, but his thoughts were as distant from such things as could be.
“Informers must necessarily spawn distrust and pain; splintering, for one example, even the most unified of ship’s companies, or, for another…” he grimly considered his sun-browned hands, whose fingers were still mangled, lacking their nails. How frequently informers had brought pain into his life! After ‘98 he had resolved to never again see his hopes brought low by spies, but now his bow skipped as his hands trembled over his violoncello.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” he sighed “And for all that, Jack still tolerates my scrapings -” The ringing of the eight bells of the forenoon watch jarred him back to his previous train of thought.
“But when two men or, should I say, two disparate parties are unable to shift in their official positions towards each other an informer would, indeed, must ultimately ease the exchange of information.”
He swung his legs over the boat’s gunwale, relishing the strong rush of cool water against his feet. “If I could but lay hints for such an informer to find, I could be sure that it would reach his ears by sundown tonight, but the navy has no subtle spies, none fit to be purveyors of such delicate information.”
He sighed again, rubbing his brows in unease. “No, such a course would not avail me at all,”
Jack’s voice came down the wind, hailing him: “Stephen! I say, Stephen there!”
“It seems I am altogether too much the spy.”