I'm so mad, i'm really close to tears now....
Yesterday i've written here that someone on fanpop has been taken more than 20 of my wallpapers and posted them there without my permission or crediting. I've send her a message, i tried to be nice, but she didn't answer me...
And today i've found that the same person has posted even more (14) of my wallpapers over there!!!
I've send her another (not so nice) message, but i'm sure she will simply ignore that one either!
I really don't know what to do anymore, because this f****** bitch seems to want to steal my complete gallery!!!!
I'm so furious, i really consider to not post more wallpapers on the web....
I've just taken down my art site, not sure if that will do anything, and i will check my lj friends, maybe i'll find her and can block her from seeing my entries. For that i will delete empty journals from my friends list. If i deleted someone wrong accidentely, please let me know.
I'm sorry for all you other guys who have never been anything but supportive and who are waiting for new art, but my nerves are really short at the moment!!!
I hope you can understand.
I've seen that she has also taken many of my manipulations and a lot of graphics from other people. If you want to know if she has taken some of yours, you can look here:
http://www.fanpop.com/fans/lavanna/content/images And my account got temporarily suspended, which i'm pretty sure was her doing, so i can't comment and send messeges anymore!!!
Does anyone know how to block/disfriend users who friended you? I've tried to look it up but i couldn't find anything...