Just thinking...

Jan 28, 2017 13:49

I've been doing a little reading this morning. Balancing just how much my psyche can take regarding US politics is a struggle and one that I have a difficult time justifying if the effort is worth it. That little voice of reason in my brain is a tough bastard, though. Not all things need to make sense, but wow. Wrapping my mind and heart around this election, the aftermath, and the consequences thereof, is uncomfortable and complicated, and damn near defeating.

I limited myself to two links online:
  1. http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/rural-america-understanding-isnt-problem
  2. https://hbr.org/2016/11/what-so-many-people-dont-get-about-the-u-s-working-class
Is there hope?

Of course, there is. Somewhere. Right now, for me, the whole thing is quite frightening. The ugly and evil is not making the search easy. I keep reminding myself, as Anne Lamott says, "God always bats last."  Last isn't now. Sorry, but the minions, us, we, need to get to work. Some of us will say our prayers, but as important as that part may be, it isn't the only thing. However, it is the easiest way to make ourselves feel better.

The current administration is being compared to Nazi Germany just about everywhere I look and many of the talking points have some merit. One of the articles brought something home to me as I thought of conversations and debate in history class about how could the German people not understand or realise what was happening around them as the Third Reich assumed power? How could they not know or protest the injustices and the stripped civil liberties being inflicted upon them, the Jews, and their friends and neighbours?  As young and defiant teenagers often do, we proclaimed, "Well, if I had been around when Hitler was in power, I would have fought them and their evil ideas."  Sure. Uh, huh...and what are you doing now?

I'll be the first one to admit I suck at 'ing'.  Mostly, the do 'ing' thing. I tell myself, "One must do the research before acting upon reflex." Which, might be true and yet, what comes after that extensive and labourious endeavour?  Look for my tribe? My peeps? A cause or movement? And then, what?

This is where the powerlessness comes in. I know I have the courage and fearlessness to fight for what I believe in, it is the how part that has me stymied.  Well, that and I've become such a solitary and reclusive sort of person that I haven't figured out where or with whom, or how to go about aligning my passions and/or energies. What do or can I bring to contribute?  March with a sign in protest? Calls and letters to politicians?

You get what you give and so far, I got nuthin'. Sure, i'm a pretty good little cheerleader supporting my friends and loved ones emotionally with their passions and just causes for what is right and positive and good, but walking the walk with them? Not so much. I go to work championing not a thing and at home cooking, playing with yarn and cats, reading, and listening to great music.

I've been an observer my entire life and this way of being or existing doesn't ever help bring about change either for good or evil outside of a small and personal space. I have no illusions about changing the world, but I am inspired and desire to be a part of something bigger than myself.
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