
Feb 15, 2013 12:32

I'm afraid to speak too soon, but I think the 'ick' is finally leaving.  I haven't had a fever in a couple of days and the headaches aren't nearly as bad as before.  I'm still coughing up a lung and my ears aren't back to normal yet, but no fever is a very good sign.  If it would just stay below freezing outside, I think I can get back to my normal.

A weekend off!  YAY.  And, it is jeans day today.  I'm into it.  Bob picked up Chinese take-out last night while I was at work, so that's what I'll be taking for lunch today.

I should stay home and clean up this joint this weekend, but I may not.  My friend theotherbecky moved into a townhouse early in January and I would like to visit for the day.  It would be three hours round trip and as long as the weather isn't nasty and she isn't working, I'll probably go.  I've been stuck in this apartment with the 'ick' for nearly three weeks now and I need to get out and enjoy life for a minute.  Chores can wait.
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