Write it down...

Nov 08, 2009 11:47

One of the times I woke up this morning, I looked out the window of my en suite bathroom and discovered that I couldn't see a thing through the heavy fog. I kind of figured out it was daytime, but not a thing else beyond the mist. Seemed like the perfect excuse to slide under the covers again, too. I thought longingly of San Francisco and the mornings I spent watching the fog lift every day just past dawn during my vacation there a few years ago. A very fond memory for a minute before closing my eyes and giving in to slumber for just a little while longer.

I've been up and coherent for a couple of hours now, thanks to the Verona blend I love so much, and for whatever reason, my brain believes it has something to say. Not in a verbal way, however. I started a letter to a friend down-under earlier in the week that has gone unfinished, so there's that. But, I haven't quite figured out if the urge is to spew content so much as the various spaces there are challenging me to put my thoughts, ideas, and dare I say it, emotions into words? All I know is that apparently, I should write it down. The 'it' part is questionable, as always, but the thing that has me even more confused seems to be WHERE.

Hmm...what to do about that? I'll take a shower and try to resemble what would pass for a human being and move on from there, I guess. I know I won't trap myself in this tiny little space upstairs to write. Instead, I'll take my chances against the loss of Internet access and bring Lily downstairs where the vibe is less constricting and hopefully get down to some serious business.

That's the plan. I've written it down. Go me.

writing, fog, san francisco

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