
Nov 08, 2004 00:27

My basketball team lost today, but it's okay cause it was fun:) I like it that we still play with Rosie, after all these years since high school. It is so different than the crap I dealt with in hs playing bball. All about the fun, pressure free:)

Tomorrow, I'm vowing to write my new resumes. I have no time, because if I'm not doing work I'm ass sitting taking a mfing break. In between

Update on the computer- it still blows. If I restart, mr. "enhancemysearch" will rear his ugly head. So no restarts for now, just to save my sanity.

Oh WEEKEND UPDATE: I was a sober girl (yay:))
- We rocked the football game (and miami lost- hell yes)
- Went to the step show and saw many attractive men (guys stepping gets me, ow ow)
- Saw one little raunchy "Step" (not really a step because they were dancing)that was pretty creative
- Did no work

On a sidenote, I think I am overly nice to some people who don't deserve it.

I'm fine being in college. I like the college part, it's some people who do me in. I want said people to get out in the real world and realize that no one will put up with the stuff that they get away with here.

My brother likes to say I live in a fantasy land down here in chville. And while that may be the case, I think I'm pretty grounded in the reality of such a situation.

That's my obscure rant, I like to spare feelings.

Back to paper evaluating- can't believe I have a draft due in less than a week- I better get on top of it, starting tomorrow.

Til next time:)
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