weekend update

Nov 01, 2004 20:33

procrastinating yet again- sad state of affairs really.

ok so this is how shit went down- haha...

friday- went out, but people were dressed up at bars (i should've known). wasn't really feeling the whole being out scene, so we came home. prior, jenny struck up a convo with two toolies- one cute one- because her gender transgression is to buy guys drinks at bars. i don't know if that will happen, however... seeing as how guys don't even buy girls drinks here. we'll see:)

satuday was a blast- my pics are up so anyone can see them. me, chanelle, jenny, alix, and olivia's roomies jamie and laura went out. we went to the JPA progressive, starting at this guy Jim's house that we know from pk. It was fun- i feel like i'm stalking some people i have seen out every weekend... but it's all good. it was a riot- i was an attempt at cyndi lauper, but it came of as totally 80's (which is cool), jenny was janis joplin (complete with song and dance) and alix was karen o. (and she def didn't look like an abortion, how foolish). I tried to be non-sketchy, hope it came off well. But I had a blast, as seen in the pics. I saw my advisor while i was buying alcohol at the ABC store, and he def. remarked about it in our meeting today. awesome. we saw lots of woody people out too- the entirety of 2nd floor, a first floorer, and a fourth floorer. fun times:)

sunday was worky work time. not much work was done tho. and we played ims- yippee! we won- "different drummers" rocked the corec bball hizouse.
(yes i just said hizouse deal with it).

Why do guys have to be so whack though? just reminscing (not necessarily my lack of experiences, but just in general). some of them have not been impressing me with their ability to detect quality women right in front of them. it's all good, no harsh feelings. this doesn't necessarily apply to me personally, but to my friends, etc. (again, vagueness is key on a livejournal that i realize i have posted on my fucking facebook entry, i'm sure no one reads it though).

that's it- newswriting time.

oh yeah, the election's tomorrow. kind of nercous- i've avoided talking about it, hoping i can postpone thinking about the possible outcomes.

then again, i could be the eternal optimist and just hope for the best.

let's go with that- wahoowa:)

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