Stolen from
redbowlingball yet again ;)
Starting time: 9:25p
Full name: Tina T.Y. Wong
Birthday: February 8, 1986
Name three bad habits you have:
1) Excessive swearing
2) Short temper
3) Lip biting (my own, dirty bastards!)
Name four scents you like:
1) Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden
2) Clinique Happy
3) Coffee (Second Cup's Paradiso Dark)
4) Gain laundry detergent
Name four animals you like:
1) Cats
2) Dolphins (I swam with some in Mexico!)
3) Small dogs
4) ....
Name four television shows you love:
1) Star Trek: TNG
2) Star Trek: DS9
3) Star Trek: Voyager
4) Six Feet Under
Name four drinks you regularly drink: (what a dumb question, who cares about
this stuff?)
1) Water
2) Coffee
3) V8
4) Five Alive
Have you ever...
1. Fallen for your Best Friend? No
2. Frenched with JUST a friend? Yes
3. Been rejected? Yes
4. Been in love? Yes
6. Used someone? Probably
7. Ever been used? Yes
8. Cheated on someone? No, although some may beg to differ, but I really didn't.
9. Ever been cheated on? I believe so
10. Done something you regret? "It's better to have a pocket full of regrets than to never have lived." - John Rzeznik
Who was the last person...
1. You hugged? ... I don't remember. Must've been a few days ago.
2. You instant messaged? See #1
3. You laughed At? See #1, 2.
Do you...
1. Colour your hair? A little too excessively!
2. Have tattoos? No
3. Have Piercing? Two 8g lobes, baby!
4. Have a girlfriend or boyfriend? No
5. Floss daily? No, although I should.
6. Like to drive fast? I'm a muthafuckin' speed demon.
9. Believe in God or Devil? Yes
10. Believe in The Closet Monster? No
11.What should you be doing right now? Nothing in particular
12. What are you listening to? Garbage - "You Look So Fine"
13. Can you do anything freakish with your body? I have psycho elbows (ask me to show you the next time I see you in person!)
14. Chicken or fish? Both
15. FavoUrite Season? They all have their ups and downs, but I think I'm going to say summer because it is the laziest and most laid-back.
16. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? Yes, if I wouldn't keel over in pain after I ate a serving or two (lactose intolerance).
17. What would your dream date be? Anywhere with Keanu Reeves!
18. Single flower or a dozen? Dozen, you cheapskate!
19. Silver, gold or platinum? Platium, but since I'm a poor student, silver for now. Silver is quite nice actually. SILVERSILVERSILVER!
10. in a restaurant or at home? Restaurant.
11. flowers? If the occasion calls for it, then of course!
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic? I used to be. I'm not so sure now.
15. watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes
16. What CD is in your CD player right now? Pilate - Caught By The Window
17. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? Mel C (Sporty Spice)
18. Favourite Disney Characters? Winnie The Pooh!
19. Favourite fast food? New York Fries, baybee!
20. Favorite book? Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
21. Favorite Sports teams? I'm a bandwagon fan, ha!
22. Favorite song? At the moment.... "Under Pressure" by Queen
23. What room is your computer in? My room!
24. Are you happy in life? Yes
25. Happy or Scary movies? Both
26. What will you be when you grow up? Mrs. Keanu Reeves; Tina T.Y. Wong, Esquire ;)
27. Who do you consider your best friend: You know I love you all dearly, but I'd have to say
syncher because we go waaaaaaaay back and I used to live at her house pretty much! Luv ya, hun!
28. Who will respond the quickest? No clue
29. ending time? 9:48pm