May 21, 2006 23:42
I hate typing up a subject for my journal entries,I can never think of one:p
Ok so I was laying/sitting in some strange way on my chair with the keyboard on my lap,and well I went to get up and the corner of the keyboard wacked me right under my eye. Hurt like hell but it was funny as hell too. I have a nice briuse there now,looks like I was punched. Ohh people will get a huge laugh outta this story I'm sure.
Well it's almost midnight and I'm not sleeping yet...I really,really need to try and find my sleeping pills and start taking them. See I know I should be going to bed but I'm in an icon-making mood and most likely will make a batch of icons before bed. I'm so bad. tsk tsk tsk
Well June 5th I will be buying my plane ticket to go to North Carolina. *squee* I'm so lame,I know but i'm totally excited what can I say? Two months pretty much. This month is pretty much done. It's really strange to think in about two months i'll be 18. An adult..ohh hell who am I kidding I'll still be the little annoying child;)
All this talk about aging reminds me I need to do my math homework. That would be a much better thing to do then make icons,much more BORING but it needs to get done. *groans*
This weekend was fun though,a little hard though. Friday I had to babysit Keri's plastic baby from parenting class and well I went over to Susan's with it and chilled there till 5:30 and she brought me home,well turns out I was locked out of my house. I stood there outside like an idiot with a fake doll. So I ended up having to call a cab,get brought out to where Susan was,then go back over to Susan and Troy's house and hang out there,and the whole time I'm having killer cramps. Thankfully about 8:00 Troy drove me out to my mom's to get the extra key. Then yesterday I went to the dance recital with that stupid plastic baby,and what do you know it cried during it. Thankfully alot of the moms were like "Ohh my daughter/son had that" so I didn't feel or look too stupid. What a weekend eh? But it was all good,and then last night my mom spent the night with me with is always fun to hang out and talk to her which I dont get to do very often.
Well I gotta get off the computer and do some homework and *try* to sleep.