May 08, 2005 17:32
-If you could be any ANIMAL in the ocean, what would you be?
a monkey :) or a chicken, both good :)
B- Other than food, what is the last thing you BOUGHT for yourself?
my nose piercing
C-What COUNTRIES have you been to?
Australia, and New Zealand obviously
D-What is your favorite ride at DISNEYLAND?
havent been :(
E-Do you believe in ESP?
F-Have you ever FAKED an orgasm?
yup... haha
G-Have you ever fired a real GUN?
no... im still yet to feel the thrill of that
H-Regarding surfing, do you know what the term "HANG Ten" means?
nope... what does it mean?
I-Is Michael Jackson INNOCENT or GUILTY?
I used to stick up for him, now its beyond beleif so guilty.
J-Do you wear JEWELRY?
K-Have you ever KILLED an animal?
never :)
L-What was the LAST thing you mailed?
my applicationg for my job 3 months ago
M-Who is your favorite MUPPET character?
N-Have you ever been to a NUDIE bar?
O-Regarding ORAL sex, would you rather give or receive?
boths good :)
P-Did you attend PRESCHOOL?
Q-Do you know what a QUAHOG is?
no idea
R-Have you ever RIDDEN a horse?
S- Have you ever played an organized SPORT?
ummm, netball, and touch and basketball
T-Do you owe or are you getting money back from last year's TAXES?
i get around $500
U-Do you own an UMBRELLA?
V-Do you exercise your right to VOTE?
W-What's your ideal WEATHER forecast?
sunny and hot, with sun showers
X-What was your last X-RAY u had taken?
ummmm my foot a few years ago
Y-Do you own a YELLOW shirt?
yes *hides*
Z -How many ZIP/POST codes have you lived in?
1 woppeeee