
Oct 16, 2008 13:23

there is absolutely no excuse for me not being around for the last..what... 4 days? 5? i lost count. i have been in a kind of slump with my laptop. for some reason i just didn't have the urge to turn it on. i don't know why. the fandom never left my mind though. i would wonder if a fic had been updated or if this vid or that vid was subbed and released and i should dl it. but did i?...no. what is wrooooong with me this week.

the only reason why i am on right now is because i had to pay a credit card bill. and then i was curious as to what i missed on lj and, good god, there are so many fics to read, people to reply to and posts to comment on. oh how i have missed the fandom. lol.

on another note. i don't know if my parents are coming this weekend or not and because of that i do not know if i will be going to san jose tomorrow or not. if i do that means i will be missing a few more days of lj life..... nevermind. i just called my sister and found out that they aren't coming so this weekend will be free but i don't know how much of it will be spent on my laptop.

i have been reading non-stop the last few days. what have i been reading? you wonder?(do you wonder?) romance novels. i am a romance junkie. a couple years ago i think i read 25 romance novels in the span of a month maybe. i read like a book or two a day. but i am so disappointed with two of the novels that i have read so far. i think all the fanfic i have been reading has spoiled het romances for me completely(boys kissing makes me... *sigh*). halfway through one of the books i thought "it's really sad that these books get published when there are obviously more talented writers out there". maybe it's because i am reading books written by authors i have never heard of and should stick to the ones that i know and love. idk. i want to read the fanfic that i have missed but just can't bring myself around to doing it even though i really do want to read some of the updates/new fics that were posted..... sometimes you just want to hold something in your hands to read instead of stare at a screen and scroll down.

oh what a slump i am in. please forgive me for not replying if you commented/replied me. i will get to it eventually. why does it feel like every post i makes has me talking about why i have been gone for so and so days...

oh...other than reading i have been obsessed with sudoku. when i am not reading i am working on one of the puzzle. hahaha

so next week is pam(one of my best friend)'s babyshower. i still don't know what i should get her. any ideas? i need to rsvp as well, it's pretty obvious that i am going to attend but it's nice to reply.(side note:she has been engaged for about a year, her pregnancy was unplanned, she's due in nov., she was devastated at first cuz you know... her life was kind of drastically altered, but know she is happy... i think. at least that's what she tells me). her wedding is coming up. well not really it's going to be in july 2010 but still. the fact that the date is set makes it feel like it is coming up soon. i am a bridesmaid(long story about maid of honor to cut it short pam's sister was M(matrone?SP??)OH, but her family life and financial situation forced pam to ax her and choose someone else) and have a suspicion that i would have been maid of honor if i lived in san jose and not irvine. thank god for that cuz i don't think i could handle all the stress. i am still going to help anna(our best friend and pam's maid of honor) with the bridal shower and everything cuz two heads are better than one and anna isn't the best candidate for organizing these things(her words not mine).

with that in mind, i have decided to start exercising and eating healthier. more for myself(cuz i'm pretty tired of being tired all the time and would like to get healthier) but looking good for my friends wedding is an added incentive. my goal is to reach 125-130 lbs which, i think, is an ideal weight for my height(5'5") and i don't think i would want to weigh any less than that. i have always been on the heavier side (was around 170 when i graduated hs in 04) and college life hasn't made it any better. instead of gaining the freshman 15 i think i gain like freshman 30. i lost 70 pounds my second year of college. mainly because my workload was ridiculous and i had absolutely not time to eat or sleep(seriously cuz i didn't exercise at all that year). then i gained half of it back that summer and then the rest of it when i transfered to long beach last year. my weight has always fluctuated but it's at a standstill right now and when i lose the weight( i'm determined to) i hope it stays down. i'm thinking about taking ballroom or latin dance classes with my cousin to help me get in shape. oh the influences of television.

change of subject.
i confess, i am jealous of arashi's asia fans because they are able to see the hot boys live in concert. i have read some of the reviews and am so envious.

another change of subject.
i think this is just me being weird but it seems like there are more suju/arashi crossovers lately? (or maybe it's cuz the same fic gets crossposted so many times? idk) i don't mind at all cuz i am slowly starting to get sucked into the suju fandom. and when i say slowly i mean sloooooooooowly. it took me forever with arashi.

i have not been getting enough sleep. maybe i'll take an afternoon nap after i pick up my cousins from school.

thanks for sticking through this monster of a post if you read all the way. can this post be any longer?

pam, ramblings, rl, health

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