Oct 07, 2010 13:11
We are on the tail end of our lunch break (15 min until the conference resumes), and I noticed that my phone is nearly dead. This is close to a catastrophe in my world. I was foolish enough to forget my blackberry charger at home and have been borrowing Janice's here and there just to top up. So here I sit for a few minutes, hoping to generate enough juice to get me through until 6pm.
The conference has been really good overall. I say overall because we had to sit for the longest hour of our lives (I think I can speak for Janice) listening to a speaker who had "changed her entire presentation this morning" because of some articles that were released just yesterday in the US. While I am always interested in new research (although these articles were extremely slanted and not consistent with other research), I am even more interested in a presentation that is thought out, organized, and cohesive in delivery. Like I said, and hour is a long time to listen to someone stammer, and shuffle papers, and lose their spot, and talk in a really insensitive manner about stillbirths. She said that the amount of stillbirths were "insignificant" and weren't enough to warrant mentionning. Like Janice pointed out, it is only insignificant if it isn't YOUR baby born still.
The second speaker was our beloved Dr. Andrew Kataska (chief OB/GYN in Yellowknife). He is the epitomy of a model presenter. His powerpoints are clear and concise, he has a fantastic way of presenting his information, he has many anecdotes to illustrate what he is saying, he is midwife friendly, and he is entertaining. Janice and I think we might go on the road as his "groupies".
This afternoon breaks into concurrent sessions, and I am really torn about which way to go. I really want to hear about the birthing situation in the Honduras (sp?), and how women have no choice but to birth at home...but there is also a session on funding and the potential launching of the Mount Royal midwifery program that I have been waiting a long time for. I know which session I *should* go to, but my interest is pulling in another direction. What to do...?
Tonight is going to be a pizza and pajama night for Janice and I. We are both going to continue plowing through our school work and make the most of our kid-free time. The "social" that is going on tonight doesn't hold much appeal for either of us (I suppose that would make us ANTI-social??) so we found our own alternative.
Well, my time is up. Hopefully my phone is charged enough to get through a few more hours. I have two doula clients that could give birth anytime, and I am expecting another call from the Glenrose to discuss Austin's latest med changes and how they SUCKED MONKEY BUTT.
More later....