Oct 12, 2006 16:36
Today was cold and I decided to wear my vintage 50's fake leopard fur coat. It is made of fuzzy mohair and is really warm. I am walking downtown early this afternoon after going to the bank. I sort of notice a guy and a girl on the sidewalk near me. The girl is making lots of meowing noises, which I don't really think much about. Then, the couple gets near me and the girl starts saying stuff like "nice kitty, nice dead kitty, meow meow!" I still am sort of oblivious to the fact that she is referring to my coat. We come to a corner and the couple and I go opposite ways. About half a block away, I realize the idiot was making cat noises and comments regarding my coat. Of course, I was too far away to effectively yell, "it's fake!"
I will be really mad if someone throws red paint on my coat!