Don't give up on your destiny!

Dec 16, 2009 20:49

“When Saul arrived in Jerusalem , he tried to meet with the believers, but they were all afraid of him. They thought he was only pretending to be a believer! Then Barnabas brought him to the apostles and told them how Saul had seen the Lord on the way to Damascus . Barnabas also told them what the Lord had said to Saul and how he boldly preached in the name of Jesus in Damascus . Then the apostles accepted Saul, and after that he was constantly with them in Jerusalem , preaching boldly in the name of the Lord.”(Acts 9:26-28)

“When Saul arrived in Jerusalem , he tried to meet with the believers, but they were all afraid of him.” Many people do not understand the story of Paul. When God came and commissioned Paul to do his Will, he went out and started to preach the Word boldly. Well, the problem with this is that the established church authority was in Jerusalem . So, why were these groups of believers so afraid of Paul? Because of the signs and wonders he was working in and the boldness of his speech. He was so anointed with the Word, that they felt people could not really be a Brother in Faith. “They thought he was only pretending to be a believer! Then Barnabas brought him to the apostles and told them how Saul had seen the Lord on the way to Damascus . Barnabas also told them what the Lord had said to Saul and how he boldly preached in the name of Jesus in Damascus .”

“Then the apostles accepted Saul, and after that he was constantly with them in Jerusalem , preaching boldly in the name of the Lord.” It is truly amazing to see that it wasn’t until Paul was constantly with the believers did they accept him. I have met many many many anointed men and women of God who have been rejected by the church. It is daily that I receive email messages from people who have such an anointing from the Lord, but when they go to their pastor of the Church they are rejected or turned away. Just like in the Word, it is fear that is in operation. Paul was ordained by Jesus himself to go out and preached the Word and you would think that he would have been well received, but this is not the case. I know many people have received a special ministry from the Lord.

Many times we look for approval from others to confirm this, but understand that even Paul had suffered through doubt and fear from his own people. But what did Paul do? He persevered through it all to so that the Lord was with him. If God has blessed you, show it to the world. Even through all fear and misunderstandin​g,​ work hard to accomplish what the Lord has commissioned you to do. Even if the church rejects you, it is the Lord who judges you.

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