Changes, Newness..Wonderful things

Oct 31, 2009 21:45

I am excited about church tomorrow. God has been speaking to me about another church also though. I’m bringing this up as a follow up to reading Ephesians511’s post from a convo of her and another sister in christ. Something also that my friend had brought up to me. You see I go to a semi mega church. It is a great church, and I have been blessed from being there, and have grown a lot. Now I feel like i need to poured out. I know God is leading me to this church. It’s smaller and I know it will stretch me, challenge me, and allow me to serve and be in community. It’s also closer. Please keep me in your prayers. I am also kind of nervous about this move. :-) I think I got my confirmation about going, but yea. I need discipleship. I’m not turning back anymore, and it feels great. I want to just keep a spirit of humility and humbleness.

BTW I had some peeps e-mail me, and it was such a blessing. I love all of you guys so much. I don’t just come on Tumblr just to pass the time, but to fellowship with you guys also. (AND for LJ I love you guys so much too!! A Duh!)

If you are reading this, and you don’t know Christ, I love you also very much and I pray that Jesus might be revealed unto you. I didn’t grow up in church, and no one in church really reached out to me. It was God himself who spoke to me through His word, and His Spirit. It was Jesus who showed himself to me. I know He can do the same for you. If you are truly searching for the truth, you will find it in Jesus. Search for the truth, and you will find it.

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