
Feb 25, 2009 23:30

Been doing well, same old same old , classes, job-hunt,classes etc XD

anyway Angela,Kenny, Miko, send me you main/most recent e-mail addresses if you could as soon as possible?Or I suppose you could put the results in a comment ^^

For my Psych class assignment due monday I need 3 pppl to fill out surveys/questionares about me XD for our research and validity section. ^^ I need to work on it this weekend so I'd appreciate if you'd get back to me by Friday if you can.

(my e-mail tinabinna666@yahoo.com , still XD)

The Survey I Need Completed

Instructions---You have been asked to complete this questionnaire to describe a student at Portland State University. Please use the rating scale below to describe how accurately each statement describes this person. Describe the person in relation to other people you know of the same sex and roughly the same age as the person you are describing. Please be as honest and accurate as possible. Your responses will be kept in absolute confidence. Read each statement carefully and write the number corresponding to your answer in the space next to each statement.
Response Options
1: Very Inaccurate
2: Moderately Inaccurate
3: Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate
4: Moderately Accurate
5: Very Accurate
EX1 ____ Is the life of the party.
AG1 ____ Feels concern for other people.
CN1 ____ Is always prepared.
ES1 ____ Almost never gets stressed out.
OP1 ____ Has a rich vocabulary.
EX2 ____ Is very talkative.
AG2 ____ Is interested in people.
CN2 ____ Never leaves belongings around.
ES2 ____ Is relaxed most of the time.
OP2 ____ Finds it easy to understand abstract ideas.
EX3 ____ Feels comfortable around people.
AG3 ____ Almost never insults people.
CN3 ____ Pays attention to details.
ES3 ____ Doesn’t worry about things.
OP3 ____ Has a vivid imagination.
EX4 ____ Never stays in the background.
AG4 ____ Sympathizes with others’ feelings.
CN4 ____ Is neat.
ES4 ____ Seldom feels blue.
OP4 ____ Is interested in abstract ideas.
EX5 ____ Starts conversations.
AG5 ____ Is interested in other people’s problems.
CN5 ____ Gets chores done right away.
ES5 ____ Is not easily disturbed.
OP5 ____ Has excellent ideas.
EX6 ____ Has a lot to say.
AG6 ____ Has a soft heart.
CN6 ____ Rarely forgets to put things away.
ES6 ____ Does not get upset easily.
OP6 ____ Has a good imagination.
EX7 ____ Talks to a lot of different people at parties.
AG7 ____ Is really interested in other people.
CN7 ____ Likes order.
ES7 ____ Doesn’t change his/her moods a lot.
OP7 ____ Is quick to understand things.
EX8 ____ Likes to draw attention to himself/herself.
AG8 ____ Takes time out for others.
CN8 ____ Always completes duties or assignments.
ES8 ____ Does not have many mood swings.
OP8 ____ Uses difficult words.
EX9 ____ Doesn’t mind being the center of attention.
AG9 ____ Feels others’ emotions.
CN9 ____ Follows a schedule.
ES9 ____ Does not get irritated easily.
OP9 ____ Spends time reflecting on things.
EX10 ____ Is not quiet around strangers.
AG10 ____ Makes people feel at ease.
CN10 ____ Is exacting in his/her work.
ES10 ____ Rarely feels blue.
OP10 ____ Is full of ideas.
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