Abortion?:pro-choice Death Penalty?:unsure Prostitution?:should be legal Alcohol?:enjoy it on occassion Marijuana?:should be legal Other drugs?:what about them? Gay marriage?:to each their own Illegal immigrants?:have no opinion either way Smoking?:only socially Drunk driving?:I don't drive...so no opion there Cloning?:too weird Racism?:definately don't agree with it Premarital sex?:totally for it...since i've done it already Religion?:want nothing to do with it whatsoever The war in Iraq?:want it over Bush?:want him out of the white house Downloading music?:it should be free to the people The legal drinking age?:18 Porn?:love it Suicide?:think it's stupid to do
What is your stand on..... brought to you by
BZOINK! I went over to Camden County College yesterday because they had a job fair over there.I gave my resumes to a few companies.I got lucky with one of them though and they're called wizard's festival of fun(it's only seasonal work but it's something until something better comes along) they do carnivals locally around here where I live in NJ.I get to give the whole carnival thing a try on May 1st and after that I can tell them weather or not I wanna stay on,which I probably will since i badly need to money until I do get something better.I'll update more later since i'm getting kind of bored and would like to step outside to get a lil fresh air.love to my friends and sis.ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!