for every action there is a positive and equal reaction. keep your
friends close and your crutches closer. something about dreams being a
road map to understanding who we are. something about how i never
remember my dreams. something about how i want to tell my story.
something about how i want to get out. something about how maybe i
should update more because this is all so out of context. there's just
something about drunken messages on my phone and me realizing "this is
off. i'm off. this is not right." there's just something you have to
listen to. listen for. something about how i FUCKING HATE MY JOB.
someday maybe i should speak up. there's some things i've been dying to
tell you. there are, i swear. something about how this is all so
incredibly worn. some day i'll get this right.
all your friends are murderers. all your friends are killers, baby.
& something to kill this time.