Personal Journal Entry

May 21, 2009 22:42

Dear Diary,

Today was a day like no other. I don't have a diary proper to write this in. Instead I am typing this on what you could swear was a Blackberry PDA or some such. I believe I found the secure setting for personal journaling. But this is no device made on Earth. According to the folk I met today, it is something more than that, without the benefit of a World Wide Web to data-mine. Of course, Solluna doesn't have many folk left to maintain an internet...

Solluna. It's still a bit surreal. When Ron took me to Faerie, I really didn't notice the transition. It just seemed like a piercingly beautiful spot hiding in Columbus, as impossible as that was. The reality of my visit there snuck up on me as the day wore on, as I noticed the details out of place.

But Solluna... Solluna is in your face. You can't miss the change. The light doesn't seem to vary from the dull red of a gloomy sunset. The familiar sights of buildings and people lull you into wishful thinking. Then a phrase, a glimpse, or a giant robot for God's sake...they throw it in your face that you are not home, that this is not Earth and never has been.

When you look at it, I seem to be adjusting to being ripped from my homeworld fine. Until I try to sleep. I just can't relax enough quite yet, as if sleeping here and awaking means that this truly is not a fevered dream of escape.

So I stayed awake and sewed. And sewed. I think I am actually getting the hang of this needlework stuff, at least a little. The pajama pants I altered to fit my belly stay up when I waddle around. And I have a decent (if a bit wild) skirt made out of a big t-shirt. That should work for puttering around the bunker until the baby comes.

Once I finished that, well, then I played with this journal that showed up around my neck when I was brought here. Sierra understands these things a lot better, but she headed off to help someone who showed up hurt. She hasn't gotten back yet. I hope she is all right, she and the one she went to help...

Oh, that was a big yawn. My eyes are really drooping. Maybe I am finally tired enough to fall asleep before I start thinking too much. I need the rest...

I'll just have to write more tomorrow. Good night.

I guess this would be Solluna day one, for me. Not that that would work as a time scale, since day seems rather irrelevant here, and everyone has shown up at different times. I could call this July 23, 2009, but even that would be a guess.

Ah, I know. This is day 255 of my pregnancy. Nine more days to my due date. So much to do...

diary, celestina lalonde, military base
