Feb 28, 2007 22:30
The hypocrisy of Al Gore is looming large and about to surpass the rationale of his mantra. After the Academy award for his theoretical film (it’s not a documentary if he can’t prove the science) Mr. Gore upped his speaking fee to $175,000. He flies around the country on a private jet (photographic proof coming soon…!) in order to fulfill the speaking engagements. Now here’s a idea for Al:
Produce a high-quality internet production of your “keynote speech”; sell this program to universities and groups which you would otherwise visit in person. Or let them do an on-line interactive Q+A. I’d say give the program gratis, but that wouldn’t fit in with the elite, limousine-liberal glitterati lifestyle which you are now leading. Besides, you need the $175,000 per week for the eight-bathroom-house-upkeep. (Not to mention your two or three other residences.)
But Al is one step ahead of this criticism , isn’t he, with carbon offsets? Carbon offsets cover up your climactic sins! They are just an elaborate way for elite liberals such as Mr. Gore to buy their way out of a lifestyle that they want to force us little people to live. So Al Gore can fly on a private jet if he buys his way out of it? Yes, that’s the idea.
copyright 2007 christina carso