Oct 21, 2004 16:41
yep i no..they lost..but i dont care..im putting up the icon ne wayz so suck it all..and for the boston fans its not guna last that long the curse isnt over until they win the world series..and any ways there is no curse its jzt an excuse for boston to suck
thats my thoughts on that so if u have comments..keep them 2 yurself cuz i no the yankees lost but we got 26 more championships 2 fall bak on..wats boston got? 86years of shit
the yankees losing this game shows who the real fans are..there the ones that lk the yankees no matter what..and i hope ppl arent doing that for boston cuz there winning..i mean i do hate boston but its so mainsteam to lk the team jzt cuz there winning...so yeah