Central City Suns, Issue 11

Jan 15, 2010 13:37

It appears there's a new trouble to bother the Gale family.  As the Sorceress, Azkadee had introduced vapours to the O.Z.   Now it's come out that vapours are made of people!  Well, people's emotions.  While it has been no secret that the Red Queen of Wonderland makes teas from people's emotions, it was cleverly kept quiet that the Sorceress had made a deal with the Queen for the formula and had been experimenting herself with it.  Considering many of those she had taken prisoner are missing still a year later, this is something Ms. Azkadee will have to do something about.

Speaking of Wonderland, the Red Queen has sent her heir, Jack Heart to the O.Z.  He, along with the Lady Duchess, will be attending the Eclipse Gala and staying for about a week to renegotiate trade relations with the new/old rulers.  I'm told he's a tasty treat,  maybe our single Princess will find him to her liking.  The Lady Duchess isn't bad on the eyes either.  I'm sure one of our resident men would find her irresistable.

Police have decided to drop all charges against the Gale girls.  It seems it was Azkadee that threw the punch that gave Mr. DeMilo a black eye though.  What a right hook!   However, it was decided that since the Gale girls are undergoing training for their magical abilities, anger management classes would be added to that training.  Both girls have agreed.  Mr. DeMilo's lawyer, Mr. Francis Wollan made a public statement that Mr. DeMilo would not be contesting this decision.  Mr. DeMilo also announced that there would be a new addition added to his establishment, and he would be open into the late hours after the Eclipse Gala for a Grand Reopening.  Do you see what I see there? 

tabloids of tin, central city suns

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