So who wants to get started with me on a ballot-initiative/petition-drive for Minnesota to cede the whole damn 6th district over to Wisconsin so we can just wash our hands of Michele Bachmann once and for all? Since a majority of Wisconsinites are happy-dancing over their newly-passed anti-gay marriage amendment, I say instead of all the gerrymandering, let's just redraw the state lines completely? That way all the hysterical hyper-conservatives can have Bachmann to themselves in their very own Happy Wonderland of Neo-EvangeloChristianity, and we more egalitarian and common-sense minded people in MN and WI (to include the good Stalheims and
freecookiesnow) can have our own pro-choice, pro-gay, Norwegian-type state free of all the hysterical screechy freaky freaks who are harshing our groove.
ok, so maybe not....but I'm definitely for finding some legal way of voting Michele "Hearing-God's-Voice" Bachmann (and all the folks who voted for her) OFF this damn island.