
Aug 22, 2010 21:57

Alphonse's body is a gunmetal-colored suit of armor to which his soul is bonded. (After a period of exposure to the mist, it may begin to turn into a copper-colored metal.) As a result, all of his physical attributes are those of a metallic suit of armor, encompassing its strengths (impervious to some damage, feels no pain, does not tire, is immune to disease) and weaknesses (has no physical sensation, is vulnerable to intense heat and cold). This also means he does not need to eat, drink or sleep, though he misses doing so.

His soul is bonded to the armor by way of an alchemical glyph printed in blood on the inside of the armor. If the glyph is damaged in any way, his soul's link to the armor would be broken. Because of this, Al must be sure to protect the glyph from any harm.

Alphonse has a genius-level intellect, and has studied physical sciences such as chemistry and biology, and the art of alchemy. His deep knowledge of these subjects allow him to be a prodigious alchemist with impressive ability. He is efficent and thorough, and uses his extensive knowledge to creatively and accurately use alchemy to alter the world around him. General alchemical abilities include transforming existing matter into another shape, repairing mechanical items, breaking matter down into its component parts, building structures and tools out of basic materials, etc. Alchemists are bound by the Law of Equivalent Exchange which states that "nothing can be gained without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost" (though use of a Philospher's Stone may negate this). There is also a taboo against using human beings as alchemical materials, or using alchemy to disturb the "natrual order" of life, especially to bring a human back to life.

Al was once himself transformed into a Philosopher's Stone and the hollow internal part of his armor was filled with a glowing red crystalline structure. The Stone augmented his alchemical abilities a great deal, and made it possible for him to transmute without a circle. (Non-canon:) After appearing in Anatole, most of the red crystal is gone from his body, though small bits still cling to the inside of his armor plating. His abilities are now somewhat lessened, but he is still able to transmute without a circle. When he does call upon the Philosopher Stone residue to augment his abilities, red glowing runelike glyphs appear on his face. He restrains from using the stone as much as possible though, for fear that "using up" the stone will destroy his physical form and its interaction with his soul in some way, or may even bring about is death.

He has trained extensively in martial arts under master alchemist Izumi Curtis. He is quite skilled in unarmed hand-to-hand combat, and can hold his own in battle with armed opponents and skilled martial artists (though he much prefers to handle situations peacefully). His alchemical abilities allow him to augment his physical fighting skill by adapting the environment to use as a weapon itself, creating battering rams, columns of stone, spikes, and other traps to attack his enemies. (Non-canon: He may begin to adapt and integrate other alchemist's techniques, such as elemental attacks, or explosive abilities into his own style.)

powers, canon

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