
(no subject)

May 01, 2008 18:25

1) what's the full name on your birth certificate?
kristin erin withall

2) When was the last time you were told you were beautiful?
earlier today.

3) Suppose you see your boy/girlfriend kissing another person; what would you do?
lose my shit.

4) Is your phone within a meter radius of you?

5) Look at your recent calls, who was your last 3 calls from?
my sister jen, jeremy, my parents.

6) What is bothering you right now?

7) Was New Years enjoyable?
it was alright.

8) Who was the last person to play with your hair?
play? i don't know. that sounds like someone gave me an up-do.

9) I'll bet you miss someone right now?
of course.

10) What does your last received text message say?
it's from kate's fiance vinnie, and it's thanking me for a card i sent the two of them.

11) Are you high?
ha. hell no.

12) What is your favorite color?
olive green. or teal.

13) Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon?
probably not, unless it's at the (more than) $1 theatre.

14) When was the last time you got a back massage?
within the past few days.

16) If you were given $100, would you spend it, or save it ?
spend it. but on boring things like bills.

17) If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay?
i would have to get rid of it somehow.

18) What are you doing this weekend?
going to sodus with my friends.

19) Last place you went out to eat?
acme for pizza and waffle fries.

20) Where are you right now?
my bed.

21) Are you listening to music right now?
no, i'm listening to noises outside.

22) Do you have any enemies?
not as far as i know.

23) What are you doing?
relaxing after a long day of work.

24) What does your tenth text say?
emma asking questions about sodus.

25) Hows the weather today?
coldish. but i was inside of most it. then it started sprinkling.

26) When was the last time you were truly, completely happy with your life?
i'm pretty happy right now!

27) What are you thinking about right now?
looking forward to the rest of my evening and weekend.

28) When was the last time you intentionally made someone cry?
i don't think i ever intentionally do that...

29) Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?
probably not right now.

30) What are you doing tomorrow?
going to sodus.

31) What are you doing tonight?
going to the bug jar to dance and celebrate a birthday.

32) Could you date someone taller then you?

33) Next time you will kiss someone?
soon i hope!

34) Where was your default picture taken?
my old bedroom at my parents house.

35) What's your favorite number?

36) What is your current mood?

37) Last people you hung out with?
amanda, jason and his friends last night.

38) What sport do you enjoy watching?

39) Ever had a near death experience?
not as far as i can remember.

40) What was the highlight of your week?
an amazing birthday present.

41) Are you happy right now?
hell yes.

42) Whats the last thing someone said to you?
"we'll talk when we get home" or something to that effect.

43)Where is your phone at?
on my knee.

44) Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
cold weather in may.

45) Have you ever been given an engagement ring?

46) When is your Birthday?
april 27th. four days ago.

47) How do you feel about your hair right now?
i just washed and brushed it for the first time in a while. it's straight and everything. i feel girly.

48) What do you miss most about the past?
"no responsibility"-twigs answer.

49) Are you afraid of falling in love?
no. i'm excited about it.

50) Do you have anyone who you consider a brother/sister but they really aren't?

51)How many people did you hug today?

52) Do you like country music?
i haven't found any i like yet...

53) Did any of your friends go out with any of your ex's?
goodness, yes.

54) Are looks important?
the more i like someone, the better they look to me.

55) Have you ever had someone sing to you?

56) Are you mad at someone right now?
not really.

57) Where do you keep your money?
wallet. if i actually have any.

58) Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
just piercings.

59) Do you believe in love?

60) How old do you want to be when you have kids?
some age older than i am right now.

61) What would you do if someone smacked your butt?
probably give an offended face.

62) Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate talking about?
there are certain things i wouldn't bring up talking to someone for the first time...but i'll talk about anything. i think.
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