For some time, I have been contemplating a coffee table book about the hundreds of ugly houses which have hurt my eyes in this otherwise charmingly jeweled City by the Bay.
You may have seen them in their rampant hideousness. Felt the pangs of nausea and shuddered at the very sight of their color-schemes from Hell. The visual nightmare of these houses would give anyone with even a scintilla of good taste a very bad case of Architectural inDIGESTion.
Here is the first entry in UGLY HOUSE-The Book.™
"Mom, I just spilled Mercurochrome* all-over-the-house and IT BURNS...MY EYES!!"
*For those of you under age 30, Mercurochrome was an antiseptic tincture, similar to tincture of Merthiolate, which brought countless numbers of already injured, tearful children to screams of anguish with it's stinging application.
Banned by the FDA because of it's high mercury content, it actually does nothing to prevent infection or aid healing. And quite possibly would make it worse.
Like so much snake oil over the last century, it's perceived benefit was linked to how very painful it was on application and how it stained your skin fluorescent orange. It was slathered onto unsuspecting kid's "owies" for generations.
The "Mad Hatter" who painted their house this unfortunate color must have been highly accident prone.