Mar 21, 2007 12:09
Thank you for submitting your preliminary plans to allow for the construction of a live music venue within Suite C2 of 3777 Vaca Valley Parkway, within the existing Soccer Nation building. Based on the information you provided, it appears that the venue would be set up inside a currently vacant portion of the building and would include a stage, band entrance area, and a lounge. As you may be aware, the Soccer Nation site is currently zoned NVSP-BP (North Village Specific Plan - Business Park). In reviewing both the permitted uses and conditionally permitted uses for that specific plan area, I was unable to find a use category that would allow for any type of live music and/or entertainment venue. Typically, when a use category cannot be found and/or the applicable specific plan is silent on the proposed type of use, the City is unable to permit the proposed use to be established in that location. With regard to your proposal, since staff is unable to find a suitable use category, the City cannot allow this use to be established at the proposed location.
I have left your plans and information, as well as a copy of this e-mail for you to pick up at your convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,
Associate Planner
City of Vacaville
c/o Community Development
650 Merchant Street
Vacaville, CA 95688-6908
keyword: "typically..."
ive already been told i'll need a Conditional zoning permit (work with me to make it happen more or less) and they tryin to simply say no.
we see what happens, response already sent.