Nov 05, 2008 23:19
oh my guppybrain: mmm yes. california is pretty slutty
AutumnSoundtrack: yes
AutumnSoundtrack: :[
oh my guppybrain: now you can't marry taylor
AutumnSoundtrack: the props made me tres sad
oh my guppybrain: i'm sorry
AutumnSoundtrack: i am too
AutumnSoundtrack: :/
oh my guppybrain: it's a shame i'm so apathetic
oh my guppybrain: i can't even scrounge up the energy to be outraged
AutumnSoundtrack: i dunno
AutumnSoundtrack: i linked prop 8
AutumnSoundtrack: to my own rights
AutumnSoundtrack: the old miscenegation laws madated that people like you or me couldn't get married
AutumnSoundtrack: this is the same sort of attack on civil rights
AutumnSoundtrack: and one has to wonder
AutumnSoundtrack: if they have a precedent
AutumnSoundtrack: to discriminate on one group
AutumnSoundtrack: who's to stop them from
AutumnSoundtrack: pushing the clock back to the old laws
AutumnSoundtrack: i dunno
AutumnSoundtrack: that's my take on it
oh my guppybrain: to be honest? they're not saying that ppl can't be together
AutumnSoundtrack: they can't get married
AutumnSoundtrack: the old miscenegation laws were the same
oh my guppybrain: how important is it to get a piece of paper that says 'you're married'?
AutumnSoundtrack: it's a matter of equality
AutumnSoundtrack: sure marraige
AutumnSoundtrack: at this point
AutumnSoundtrack: isn't a very sound institution
AutumnSoundtrack: but denying it to gays
AutumnSoundtrack: and giving them only civil unions
AutumnSoundtrack: creates a
AutumnSoundtrack: sseperate but equal situation
AutumnSoundtrack: which
AutumnSoundtrack: in every case in our history
AutumnSoundtrack: hasn't panned out to be what it's promised to be
oh my guppybrain: ...i think... you're feeling outraged for... you're feeling unnecessary outrage for something that if you really think about it, it's something that doesn't change the value couples have for each other in a relationship
oh my guppybrain: yes, rights are important
oh my guppybrain: but their essential rights are still intact
AutumnSoundtrack: i dunno
AutumnSoundtrack: for me
AutumnSoundtrack: seperate but equal
AutumnSoundtrack: is not equal
AutumnSoundtrack: and i believe that's just not right
AutumnSoundtrack: this is just me though
oh my guppybrain: yes it's just you.
oh my guppybrain: i think it's a shame that these couples aren't given the same recognition as everyone else for their relationship, but i'm not gonna be all hissy about it. it's not gonna change much. our 'modern' views won't change ideals that have been firmly implanted into the minds of americans for centuries
AutumnSoundtrack: i dunno
AutumnSoundtrack: another thing for me
AutumnSoundtrack: is i dont' believe the government should make decisions about the private affairs of individuals
AutumnSoundtrack: i don't think we should be voting about people's private lives
oh my guppybrain: again... the vote doesn't change the essence of a relationship. ppl are voting because when it's a marriage sanctioned by the government, it's a marriage that has to be recognized by the public
AutumnSoundtrack: so
AutumnSoundtrack: say if the government decided to bring back the old miscenegation laws
oh my guppybrain: but if the public refuses to recognize these marriages, you can't go against the majority
AutumnSoundtrack: and said that say
oh my guppybrain: the vote is a representation of the public view
AutumnSoundtrack: an asian dude
AutumnSoundtrack: couldn't marry a white woman
AutumnSoundtrack: and officially have it recognized
AutumnSoundtrack: and the public voted for it
AutumnSoundtrack: you would have no qualms with it
oh my guppybrain: well does it mean that they can't be together?
AutumnSoundtrack: of course the two individuals could maintain their relationship
AutumnSoundtrack: and all would be find
oh my guppybrain: then no
oh my guppybrain: i have no qualms
AutumnSoundtrack: ic
AutumnSoundtrack: well then i disagree
oh my guppybrain: as long as everyone can still make their own choices
oh my guppybrain: i don't care
AutumnSoundtrack: that's fine
oh my guppybrain: as long as i can date whoever i want, then i don't care about a piece of paper
oh my guppybrain: or being recognized by the state
oh my guppybrain: everyone's placing too much importance on a freaken piece of paper. why can't you just be happy for couples who have found each other and be happy that their families accept their relationships?
AutumnSoundtrack: it also translates to a view on these individuals
AutumnSoundtrack: denying them the right to marry
AutumnSoundtrack: delegitimizes those relationships
AutumnSoundtrack: and creates reasons
AutumnSoundtrack: and excuses
AutumnSoundtrack: to construe them in a sense of "otherness"
AutumnSoundtrack: in light of the old miscenegation laws
AutumnSoundtrack: people who did have multi-racial relaitonships
AutumnSoundtrack: faced discrimination not only from the public
AutumnSoundtrack: but from government offficials
AutumnSoundtrack: two individuals living together in washington
AutumnSoundtrack: er
AutumnSoundtrack: virginia
AutumnSoundtrack: sorry
AutumnSoundtrack: were yanked out of their beds in the middle of the night
AutumnSoundtrack: for breaking the law
oh my guppybrain: omfg andrew. if you're so effin passionate about this, then you should have been here to place a vote now huh?
AutumnSoundtrack: i did vote
AutumnSoundtrack: absentee
oh my guppybrain: and did it really matter?
oh my guppybrain: majority ruled
AutumnSoundtrack: why are you attacking me on this janlie?
AutumnSoundtrack: why can't you respect the fact that i have my opinion on the matter
AutumnSoundtrack: i'm passionate about this
AutumnSoundtrack: this is something i believe in
AutumnSoundtrack: why do you have problem with that
oh my guppybrain: i respect it. but why do you have to push out all of these 'facts' to me like i'm against gay marriages?
AutumnSoundtrack: you're the one who im'ed me
oh my guppybrain: but it already passed andrew
oh my guppybrain: accept it
AutumnSoundtrack: i didn't force anything on you
oh my guppybrain: everyone who's brooding over this really need to get over it
AutumnSoundtrack: ::shrug:;
oh my guppybrain: mm yes shrug
oh my guppybrain: bye
AutumnSoundtrack: goodbye janlie