Hold Me, Maul Me, Kiss Me, Call Me

Jan 29, 2005 21:10

It's a Saturday. Sad thing is that it means I'm most likely at home in the evening. Happily, however, Saturday is "Leighton Family Movie Night", so that'll help fill the void.

The movie this week was CELLULAR. It was a good, underrated movie - but sadly only 90 minutes long. It got me thinking though - do I need a cell phone?

All of my friends have one. Everyone at work has one. My sister and my parents have one. Why don't I? I have enough people I could call - though now with the wonder of AIM and MSN, I feel that a cell phone call is more intrusive than a sheepish message inundated with smileys to soften the blow.

It wouldn't be a waste of money, either, would it? All those delightful photographs I could take, all the blackmail with which I could cash in; all those hours of boredom, solved by all those infantile games that remind me of the freebies QBasic delivered on my 386 PC back in the day. Sounds like a good way to spend money.

I guess the real question would be - who would call me? Would I want to be interrupted? I like being able to have SOME form of respite in my life, where I am not able to be contacted unless I choose to be.


Anyone out there have any suggestions? What's a Timbo to do?

cell phone, family movie night, movies

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