Jan 24, 2009 09:39
...but lately I've sure run into my share of cheapskates.
Working on the floor at the bank, rather than being stuck behind a counter all day, allows me to run into a lot more people - especially people that don't necessarily have banking related questions.
For example, last week, we were provided a good number of decorations for Chinese New Year (Jan 26); I love decorating to keep the bank fresh so I was pleased. The main item in our box of decorations was a bag full of plush oxen - 'tis the year of the Ox, so it fits. I hung them about the bank in a nice manner and it looked pretty solid. We have a huge Chinese population (employees and clientelle) so I knew it would be appreciated.
The day they went up, we got so many inquiries from clients asking how they could get one. When we clearly stated that they're for decoration only - at least until the end of Chinese New Year festivities - a number of them would still ask, "I've been a client of this bank for years. I think I deserve it." Even one woman went so far to suggest that her dog (a Chinese pug) deserved it because he's Chinese as well, and needed a new toy to tear into.
Uh...if anyone says they DESERVE it then they don't get it. End of story. Besides, I want my own.
It turns out that these toys are actually available at Wal-Mart stores for under $4, and since I learned this, I've been telling my clients, too. I figured that it would help them out a bit, right? But no - after I suggest they'd have to go to a STORE and pay ACTUAL MONEY for the item, they're suddenly no longer interested.
Earlier this week I was finally given a special coat to wear for my new floor greeter job. It's in the shade of BMO blue, and while it's a flimsy piece of material with no actual value for warmth, it still looks decent.
Apparently so decent in fact that one client asked me, yesterday, if the bank was giving out such coats to "good clients" (implying she herself was one). Shocked at the fact this woman wanted to literally steal the clothes off my back, I said no - it was bought specifically for me and tailored for just my size. She was furious and swatted her hand through the air at my face level (but a few feet away) to show her disdain and annoyance. I almost laughed right in her face because it was just so bloody ridiculous.
I'm unaware how much it cost but I don't believe any bank has ever had a promotion where they supply their bank's apparel for clients to wear.
The last story of cheapskates comes from a client I helped yesterday, who wanted me to type a letter on official BMO letterhead, which she was to deliver to the provincial government in an attempt to get more money out of them (regarding medical insurance, health issues, and such). Fair enough - we do that for people when necessary.
However, the catch here was that she wanted me to hide certain pieces of information from the government and put the bank's seal of approval on it - specifically, various stocks and investments she had. I told her directly that I could not lie because the bank would then be liable - and it's not our choice to do that. We can only state the facts. The client stood her ground, saying it was not the government's business; I said she may be right but it's not my judgement call.
So I refused.
So she spazzed.
So I apologized for doing my job.
So she spazzed more.
So I suggested I get the branch manager to talk with her.
So she promptly left.
chinese new year,
bank of montreal,