T-minus 2 hours...

Feb 13, 2005 22:14

Well the big day is tomorrow. Guess which:

A) Valentine's Day
B) Singles' Awareness Day
C) Forced-Love Day
D) All of the above

If you answered with a big fat "D", you're absolutely correct, depending on your status in life at the moment.

Let's go through these options one by one...

Back in my early university career, this is what Feb. 14th usually meant to me. Now there's nothing wrong with telling someone you love them, but to make it seem FORCED on this one single day of the year cheapened the whole idea. It still does, especially when you feel like doing something extraordinary on this day (and not the next, for example) is more of a chore than a joy. I still feel this way, to an extent, but I've decided that there's no sense in being an openly-bitter old crow.

Any of you singles out there, no matter what post-elementary school age you are, know this one. I don't know one person out there with a significant other that goes out of their way to rub the fact they're with someone in the face of us singles, but still, all of the TV and radio ads, not to mention the displays of affection everywhere, do take their toll.

Bitterness may still happen, but seriously, there is no proof at all that having a boyfriend or girlfriend validates your existence as a human being and/or makes you a better person. (At the same time, though, it'd be a nice change for me.)

In the past, my single friends and I usually hang out together on this day - not to have an anti-Valentine party, but as a way to show that there are still people that care for them (that aren't blowing money on dinner, hotels, jewelry, roses, etc), so it's a nice gesture.

Regardless, somewhere deep down inside, it still hurts, just a little.

Some day I should actually do some research and see why the theme of love and this particular saint are synonymous. At any rate, I think that this year, I'm going to aim for treating Valentine's Day with an optimist, hopeful heart, and not be the bitter scowlly mess I often can be.

Besides, this year there's someone out there that I'm rather fond of. It may be a long shot due to geographic distance and difficulty in daily contact, but honestly, I think she's worth it. I hope the e-card I sent gets through. I have to admit, though - and I know this is normal when such emotions and situations arise - I'm both happily thrilled and terrified of dismissal at the same time.

But, like I said, it's worth it. She's worth it. Besides, in any event, getting a Valentine from anyone should be a good thing. :)


And just in case this mystery woman is reading this - and I hope she does at some point today - I hope we get to chat very soon! (I'd say more but this isn't the most private of mediums upon which to do so. :D)

* * * * * * *

Anyway, there's my day. My hopes. My fears. My dreams. All in a nutshell.

Have a good Valentine's Day, anyone that is celebrating it in any way. Especially for that afforementioned certain someone out there. XOXOXOXO


valentine's day, single's awareness day

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