Why I love Mike Huckabee

Nov 29, 2007 15:56

I love this guy, I really do. I think is the most genuine of all the presidential candidates and I think he has the least amount of dirt. He's a strong man of God and I think he has his head on straight, sticks by what he believes in and doesn't really seemed to have flip-flopped in his past. He recently overtook Mitt at the top of the Iowa polls and I'm really hoping he becomes more popular as time goes on because I would love for him to get the nomination.
_____Anyways, last night was the disastrous YouTube debate on CNN where they planted questions and yada, yada, yada. I was going to do an update on that but to do so would somehow imply that it is surprising which it’s not. I didn't watch the debate, but I expected nothing less from the Clinton News Network and Anderson Closet-case Cooper (I actually don't think Cooper knew what was going on, I just wanted to say that he's probably gay). The only thing that is surprising about is the fact that CNN, a news network that has been around for as long as it has, was sloppy enough to do something like this and not anticipate someone exposing it. If you don’t know the story, CNN had a debate last night where they took questions from “undecided Republicans” on YouTube and had the candidates answer them. However, if you look at the people who asked the questions’ profiles they either linked to blogs, which stated their affiliation to Democratic candidates, or right on their YouTube profile stated their affiliation…so much for be “undecided” or “republican.” CNN’s biggest mistake came with Brig. Gen Keith Kerr who lives in California, is openly gay, and posed a question to the candidates about the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that the military currently uses. All it took to figure out who this guy is was a simple Google search and long story short, he is associated with the Clinton campaign and helped John Kerry with his failure of a campaign in 2004. In fact his name even appeared in two Clinton press releases and appeared on CNN in 2003 in an interview on the Bill Hemmer program (now with Fox).
_____CNN of course immediately denied knowing who Kerr was with even MSNBC said was “total crap,” and you know when MSNBC is telling you that what you’ve done is “total crap” you’ve got an issue. This means two things about CNN though…either they knowingly planted a question Hilary Clinton style in the audience to ask a total irrelevant question in this presidential campaign (though one that undoubtedly invokes a certain emotion in people that could work against each candidate) or CNN is run by a bunch of incompetent morons. While the latter is true, I find it hard to believe that CNN, a network that has been around for years and years, had no idea this guy was associated with the Clinton campaign. How CNN can still be considered a credible news source after this is beyond me, but they have a liberal slant so realistically nothing will happen and this will all blow over within the next few days. The double standard is great. There are a few reports out today that basically say that the American people are not trusting the major news networks when it comes to the presidential campaign, so it's nice to know that people are starting to wake up and see this crap for what it is. What’s worse is the fact that the question posed about gays in the military, as well as the other questions about gays, the Confederate flag, and whether or not the candidates believed every word of the Bible. The questions had no relevancy to the candidate’s ability, or inability, to hold the position of President and instead served to make them out to be racists, homophobes, and the religious cooks that the people who run CNN and those who align themselves with them think they are. The debate did nothing other than make CNN look like a bunch of idiots and offer John McCain another time to completely wreck Ron Paul and make him look like the jackass he truly is.
_____Anyways, I wasn’t going to write about the debate but I did, but the real reason for this update was Huckabee. The guy is a BA. He had one of the best quotes of the night, during the debate when something relevant was actually discussed….

Tyler Overman: Hi. This is Tyler Overman from Memphis, Tennessee. And I have a quick question for those of you who would call yourselves Christian conservatives. The death penalty, what would Jesus do?
Cooper: Governor Huckabee?
Huckabee: You know, one of the toughest challenges that I ever faced as a governor was carrying out the death penalty. I did it more than any other governor ever had to do it in my state. As I look on this stage, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person on this stage that's ever had to actually do it.
Let me tell you, it was the toughest decision I ever made as a human-being. I read every page of every document of every case that ever came before me, because it was the one decision that came to my desk that, once I made it, was irrevocable.
Every other decision, somebody else could go back and overturn, could fix if it was a mistake. That was one that was irrevocable.
I believe there is a place for a death penalty. Some crimes are so heinous, so horrible that the only response that we, as a civilized nation, have for a most uncivil action is not only to try to deter that person from ever committing that crime again, but also as a warning to others that some crimes truly are beyond any other capacity for us to fix.
Now, having said that, there are those who say, "How can you be pro-life and believe in the death penalty?"
Because there's a real difference between the process of adjudication, where a person is deemed guilty after a thorough judicial process and is put to death by all of us, as citizens, under a law, as opposed to an individual making a decision to terminate a life that has never been deemed guilty because the life never was given a chance to even exist.
Cooper: Governor?
Huckabee: That's the fundamental difference.
Cooper: I do have to though press the question, which -- the question was, from the viewer was? What would Jesus do? Would Jesus support the death penalty?
Huckabee: Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office, Anderson. That's what Jesus would do.
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