first of all, i doan know.

Apr 22, 2006 19:25

word. no real point to this. im just bored so im gunna type. reply or not, its ok. read it or not, doesn't matter much to me. just random things that come to my head, i will type.

first off I work at a school now! haha i'm a sports coach! finally un-employeed. i fucking love it. i doan even start working till 11 in the morning too, so i can sleep in. plus now im chillin on like 800 dollars a month. more money than ive ever had before in my life.

my rabbit just recently had babies!!! 3 white ones, 2 blackies..some pictures!

my babies =D

i also co-run a myspace talk show sort of thing! i doan take it very serious, but its cool doing it with one of my best friends, Lance. add us!

the current trend, and in my opinion, decline of teenagers today is making me sick. hanging out with a majority of my peers makes me feel sorry for humanity. too many people are technology addicted and dependent. i've honestly met people that can not remember when there wasnt internet! people my age! and they doan know what they'd do with out it.

i've noticed that people now days are just personality clones. think about it...we all pick up certain traits, saying, manorisms, characteristics of people that we meet. do you even know who you are? a majority of the teenagers ive met now days, doan have a personality of their own..they are little fragments of people they wish they were. i blame myspace. i will admit, that for bands or podcasts or something, it is a very good idea, and invaluable promotion tool. but i really hate personal myspaces.

i've been realizing what an un-aggressive person i am....

FUCK this whole...mtv, club, girls, bragging " rap " garbage that is being produced today. makes me sick. you dont need ANY talent now days to get noticed. its all mumbling incoherent phrases, playing themselves into stereotypes, than getting pissed and writing songs about it. so fuck you.

driving is such a freedom.
i waited till i was 18 to get my license. i dunno why..
well i love walking, and i love riding my bike. i've never had any strong desire to have a car.
oh well, im enjoying it now that i have one.

i know i wasnt alive, but i feel like i miss the 30's - 50's. the simplicity. the world is in such a hurry now days. newest technology break through. newest fashion trend. newest " cool " thing. we need to chill the fuck out.
plus, Big Band is my favorite kind of music, it really puts me back than. i love it.

i love my bestfriend. and i miss her alot.

well, i highly doubt i'll get replies.
but i'm really hungry.

love, Tim.

fuck death!!! dont tell me its gotta happen and all that shit. i know it does. but i really fucking hate the whole subject and idea of people or things dying.
and fuck guys who hit girls.

Hows this for some thought...
my brothers and i were driving to sacramento a few days ago..and we were having a pretty indepth talk.
have you ever wondered why humans don't really evolve? we doan allow natural selection. we allow our dumb and diseased to make babies. not saying its right or wrong, but that made me think..we doan allow natural selection...which could be why humans are in the condition they are today?
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